Education through Social Media

Hiya again! We are back to chat about learning from social media. When I say educating yourself through social media, I do not mean believing your Aunt Patsy's Facebook posts concerning ANYTHING AT ALL, we all know that she means well but she is not the best educator. I am referring to educating yourself through legitimate websites and resources on topics you are interested in. If you are learning my blog, just know everything you are reading is true, as I am never wrong...

Social media promotes self-directed learning, it prepares individuals to research and independently decide the correct answer based on logical thinking. Whereas, if it was me, I choose the answer I see first...logical enough I would say, wouldn't you? Not too long ago I was guilty of believing everything I saw on social media. Whether this be '@bratzdoll2001's twitter thread concerning important politics or exaggerated news articles... not anything from The Sun as we all know that point speaks for itself. The problem with social media is that anyone, no matter the age, has access to anything they want to. This could be cruel material that younger children should not be reading, which in turn influences them to think a certain way which may not be positive or based upon literal facts. 

In terms of important issues globally, social media has allowed everyday people to access vital information to educate themselves while discovering ways to help if possible. Issues such as The Black Lives Movement's exposure in today's world has skyrocketed with the help of users connecting via social media platforms with facts and views. Twitter page '@Blklivesmatter', with over one million followers, educates their followers on this topic while posting facts, fundraisers and important American politics affecting this issue. With a comment section below, users can interact with others and learn from others experiences and knowledge to bring onto the streets for peaceful protesting. However, as I said before, not everything you see on social media is true. Some exaggerated, some 'facts' taken out of context and some just out right lies. So, what do we believe? How do we know what we are reading or referencing is correct and not just propaganda for a particular issue? If you are reading 'factual' information on these platforms, I would suggest that you continue to research about it before forming your own individual opinion as you could be consuming a toxic viewpoint with no realisation. 

Peaceful protesting for BLM in America (2020)

Should social media be used for education purposes or just strictly connecting with other people? Or for just reading my blog? YES, I know you agree.... Anways, do you think we should we form an idea or opinion based upon what is posted on Facebook? As I am sure everyone knows by now, I am not a big fan of Donald Trump... no harm if anyone reading this is, just my personal opinion! Surrounding his appointment of presidency, there was major talk of the influence of 'Fake News',  which is "false news stories, often of a sensational nature, created to be widely shared or distributed for the purpose of generating revenue, or promoting or discrediting a public figure, political movement, company etc" (Dictionary, 2021). This power behind this 'fake news' is said to have influenced the American public to vote in favour for Trump, what would have happened if this was not spread? Would Big Hillary be the first president of the free world, even right now going into her second term? Well...I can not answer that as I am not a psychic... I work in Primark, not the spiritual world. 

Representation of the disinfecting of fake news concerning Covid-19 (2021)

Another major topic that was shared by millions throughout this 'fake reality', was Covid-19 and all that comes with it. I have never seen something, at  this gratitude, have so much false and misinformation, it was almost laughable the posts that were shared around. Do you remember at one stage people believed masks actually were enforcing the vaccine onto people who refused it or how we caught the disease from 5G towers, especially from the one situated on the Falls Road...I am typing this while shaking my head, no words can describe how I feel remembering these conspiracy theories. Not only does this misinformation spread on social media can cause depression and anxiety as people are living consumed in these lies (Andrea De Angelis, 2021), it could actually put their physical health at risk believing that masks and vaccines are not beneficial...they are! 

Before believing what a website or other sources, make sure it is verified before consuming the information and forming your own judgement, for educational purposes or personal. However, if it is a post saying 'share this post now or you will die in 20 seconds'... it is not real, if you still share them more power to you! (I still would, not taking a chance). 


  1. Very well written and informative. Social .edit seems to be replacing educational and factual outlets and that's a dangerous precedent for us all.


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